What to Expect With Your Remodel (Part 1)

If you have never remodeled before or are taking on a big project, you may feel a little nervous. Between the large expense and the excitement of anticipating your finished remodel or home addition, it’s hard not to feel apprehensive.  When you know what to expect it can help allay your fears and make you better prepared for what’s to come. In this month’s and next month posts, we will discuss 11 things to keep in mind and expect during remodels.

Hepa-filter and barrier wall

1. Dust and Debris.  Even with preventative measures, a fine layer of dust can gather in parts of your home far from construction. However, there are a few ways to control it. Steps that may be taken include closing off the construction area from the rest of your home with a compression fit temporary wall or plastic barrier wall and running a hepa-filter machine. Additional recommendations include heating the house without your furnace if possible or completely blocking the warm-air and cold-air returns in the construction area.  Floor protection may also be placed in work areas and at the end of the day, the workers will do their best to clean up the area by sweeping, vacuuming and throwing out debris.

2. Noise and Traffic. It will be constant. Whining saws, sanders and thumping nail guns followed by bellowing compressors: in short, little peace or quiet. This may present a challenge if you have small children or pets. And if you work from home, you may need to find another location unless your home office is far away from the construction zone. Also, please keep in mind that workers may sometimes need to utilize additional space in the house, such as the garage for storage or the basement for electrical and plumbing access.

Enjoying your finished bathroom remodel.

3. Triumphant highs. For you it may be the demolition of the ugly vinyl floors in your kitchen. For others it may be the installation of the carefully selected backsplash tile. Others still may feel elated only when they see walls go up, drywall go in or when they can relax in their completely done kitchen remodel or bathroom remodel.

4. Multiple sighs. It may be that you just want to be done or that you are tried of answering so many questions and writing so many checks. Or you may just be tired of having so many people in your house. While we work hard for you and making things as unobtrusive as possible – hang in there – remodeling fatigue will be short lived when you get to move back into your newly remodeled space.

5. The unexpected. If you expect anything, expect this. Asbestos, rot, irregular framing, jerry-rigged wiring, funny plumbing and more unexpected surprises are bound to arise. No, you won’t be laughing, and neither will your general contractor. Count on finding something no one could have anticipated in your budget and time frame, this way you will be well prepared when it happens.

Adapted from an Article By : A. Higuera CGR, CAPS – HOUZZ Contributor

Next Month’s Blog: 6 more things to expect with your remodel.